IRB Barcelona - Institut de Recerca Biomèdica

LS (Life Sciences)
GINYS Group: High


Parc Científic de Barcelona
Baldiri Reixac, 10

08028 Barcelona




Dra. Goretti Mallorquí | | +34 93 40 34806


Code of Conduct CERCA
The CERCA Code of Conduct, aligned with the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, recognized by the European institutions, provides guarantees in terms of transparency, open access to data and results, industrial property management, scientific integrity and relationship with the media, among others.
Status: Active
Human Resource Strategy for Researchers It supports research institutions and funding organizations in implementing the Charter and Code in their policies and practices. The implementation of the Charter and Code principles by research institutions makes them more attractive to researchers looking for a new employer or host for their research project..
Status: Active


ELIXIR – European Life Sciences Infrastructure (ESFRI)
ELIXIR unites Europe's leading life science organizations in managing and safeguarding the increasing volume of data being generated by publicly funded research. It coordinates, integrates and sustains bioinformatics resources across its member states and enables users in academia and industry to access services that are vital for their research
Range: Worldwide
Status: Active
Funding: EU H2020
Euro-BioImaging : ESFRI roadmap project for open access to high-end biomedical imaging resources.
Research infrastructure that offers open access to imaging technologies, training and data services in biological and biomedical imaging. Euro-BioImaging consists of imaging facilities, called Nodes, which have opened their doors to all life sciences researchers.
Range: Europe
Status: Active
BIOCORES – Health Facilities Directory
BioCores is a directory of basic facilities, technology platforms and scientific services currently in Spain. BioCores offers a tool to find a wide range of cutting-edge, state-of-the-art scientific services, techniques and equipment, to support both biomedical and life sciences research and the scientific community.
Range: Spain
Status: Active
PRB3-CeGen – Biomolecular Resource Platform: National Genotyping Center
Perform genotyping projects on SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms), CNVs (Copy Number Variations) and InDels (Insertions and Deletions) and large-scale, low-cost DNA methylation analysis. in humans as in any other animal or plant species.
Range: Spain
Status: Active
CIBER-BBN NANBIOSIS – NANBIOSIS Platform (Production Infrastructure and Characterization of Nanomaterials, Biomaterials and Systems in Biomedicine) (ICTS)
Mission: Provide advanced comprehensive solutions for companies and research institutions under a single point of entry through the design and production of biomaterials, nanomaterials and their nanoconjugates, their characterization from the physical-chemical, functional, toxicological and biological point of view ( preclinical validation), focused on biomedical applications such as: IVD, medical devices, biosensors, regenerative medicine, drug delivery systems, therapeutic agents, or magnetic resonance contrast agents.
Range: Spain
Status: Active
CIBERER – Rare Diseases
Mission:Our mission is to be a center where collaboration and cooperation between biomedical and clinical research groups prevail and are favored, with special emphasis on the aspects of genetic, molecular, biochemical and cell research. of rare, genetic or acquired diseases. The aim is to improve our knowledge of the epidemiology, causes and production mechanisms of rare diseases. This research is the basis for providing new tools for the diagnosis and therapy of rare diseases, encouraging translational or translational research between the scientific environment of the laboratory and the clinical environment of health centers.
Range: Spain
Status: Active
CIBERDEM – Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Diseases Network
Mission: Lead the research effort of excellence in diabetes and associated metabolic diseases, as well as accelerate the translation of scientific results into clinical practice to improve the health of the population and people with diabetes and metabolic diseases.
Range: Spain
Status: Active

Mission: Promotion of excellence in cancer research in Spain, as well as the incorporation of new findings into clinical practice.

Range: Spain
Status: Active
CERCA - Ginys