CTTC - Centre Tecnològic de Telcoms. de Catalunya

SE (Sciences and Engineering)
GINYS Group: High


Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia (PMT)
Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 7

08860 Castelldefels




Raul Muñoz | raul.munoz@cttc.cat | +34 936 452 900 | ORCID | PRC page

Josep Mangues Bafalluy | josep.mangues@cttc.cat | +34 936 452 900 | ORCID | PRC page


Code of Conduct CERCA
The CERCA Code of Conduct, aligned with the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, recognized by the European institutions, provides guarantees in terms of transparency, open access to data and results, industrial property management, scientific integrity and relationship with the media, among others.
Status: Active
Human Resource Strategy for Researchers It supports research institutions and funding organizations in implementing the Charter and Code in their policies and practices. The implementation of the Charter and Code principles by research institutions makes them more attractive to researchers looking for a new employer or host for their research project..
Status: Active
UNE 166002 – AENOR RDi Management
Optimize the processes of research, development and technological innovation based on known structures of management systems R & D & I Management Systems allow companies and organizations, regardless of their size or the economic sector to which they belong, to systematically improve their R & D & I activities, without restricting them in rules which limit the imagination and emotional intelligence of researchers, providing useful guidelines for effectively organizing and managing such activities.
Status: Active
CERCA - Ginys