Living Lab Health

Rosina Malagrida
Responsable Living Lab Salut
The Living Lab for Health’s mission is to facilitate multistakeholder innovation networks to solve complex and persistent health challenges for increasing collective impact with system innovation

The Lab focuses on challenges that require mutual learning and knowledge integration to design and implement integral and high leverage interventions taking into account key leverage factors in different areas of the system where change is needed (social, technological, research and innovation, environmental, economic, political and institutional).

We facilitate innovation networks to collectively design and implement the integral interventions with more mutually reinforcing, decentralized and collaborative approaches. We follow methodological frameworks aimed at increasing the impact of research and innovation and we conduct research  to innovate in our approaches and to disseminate our work.

We address two different categories of complex health challenges:

  • Category 1: health protection and promotion challenges, such as promotion of healthy and sustainable diets, affective sexual health and mental health, or prevention of Covid-19.
  • Category 2: prevention, diagnostic & therapeutic challenges, that comorbid with a variety of other conditions and/or need to consider a wide diversity of factors, such as Long Covid.

We act as a think tank –a space for strategic reflection, learning, exploration and co-creation of transdisciplinary knowledge and interventions, with the participation of a wide range of actors.
Among our projects, we are co-coordinators, together with the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), of the Barcelona CaixaResearch Living Lab initiative, launched by Barcelona City Council and "la Caixa" Foundation, to which our contribution is the promotion of systemic innovation in health in the city of Barcelona, IrsiCaixa and the Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol.

Who do we target?

The diversity of stakeholders varies with the health challenge we address and whether it is a scientific-technical or a socio-technical challenge. We work with stakeholders from different disciplines in academia and from non-academic environments, including:  universities, healthcare services, social services, cultural centres, education community, private sector, third sector, administration, and also citizens and patients, among others.


                          CONSULTANCY SERVICES:  We offer consultancy services to research groups, administration, education community,
                          private sector, third sector to design and implement integral interventions for
                          collective impact within innovation networks
                          CO-CREATION PROCESSES:  To co-design high leverage and integral interventions that are also mutually
                          reinforcing, decentralized and collaborative. The service includes facilitation
                          of ideation, prototyping and validation processes within multistakeholder
                          innovation teams.
                          FACILITATION OF INNOVATION NETWORKS: Implementation of integral
                          interventions within systems in transition with innovation teams working as a
                          EDUCATION: Training courses and methodological
                          guidelines to empower scientists and innovators to become change agents to
                          promote collective impact. Our target includes healthcare providers, the
                          education community, and other stakeholders to facilitate innovation networks.


                          • Methodological guides
                          • RRI Tools


                          Responsable Living Lab
                          Rosina Malagrida | | 934656374 ext 263 | ORCID | PRC Page
                          Suport tècnic i de gestió de Living Lab de Salut
                          Marina Pino | | 934656374 ext 227
                          Laia Vives | | 934656374 ext 227 | ORCID


                          IrsiCaixa - Institut de Recerca de la Sida

                          Campus Can Ruti
                          Hosp. Germans Trias i Pujol
                          Carretera Canyet, s/n

                          08916 Badalona

                          DOMAINS RIS3CAT

                          • Education and knowledge generation system
                          • Industrial system
                          • Socio-sanitary system


                          • Health information systems

                          RATES AND ACCESS

                          Availability Level: Medium
                          Access Procedures:
                          Open. Contact the person responsible for the service via email.
                          CERCA - Ginys