Nanomaterials growth

José Santiso
Científic Titular del CSIC
Our unit produces films using pulsed laser deposition techniques and MOCVD and works closely with many ICN2 research groups as well as external teams. A recently developed two-laser PLD configuration allows the co-operation of two targets for the deposition of composition gradient films, as well as new mixed composition materials. Our unit performs advanced structural characterization of thin films, mainly by X-ray diffraction, as well as working on the development of advanced methods for X-ray diffraction characterization of epitaxial thin films. These include plane diffraction, GIXRD analysis, as well as 3D reciprocal spatial mapping. This microstructure research is complemented by HRTEM characterization. We are especially interested in surface and interfacial phenomena, such as oxygen exchange kinetics. To this end we have developed a time-resolved XRD technique that controls the subtle chemical expansion produced in transition metal oxide thin films when their oxygen stoichiometry is changed. We aim to perform in situ and in-operand characterization by XRD in different solid state electrochemical devices. These studies have also been extended to in situ structural studies of ferroelectric and resistive switching materials, as well as photostrictive materials. In 2019 we also continued to work on the development of a thin film MOCVD process for the growth of high quality ultrafine transition metal dicalcogenides, starting with MoS 2, in collaboration with the ICN2 group led by Prof. . José A. Garrido.


  • Pulsed laser deposition of epitaxial thin films and characterization of different materials (mainly oxides), observing the mechanisms of tension and relaxation, and the microstructural and functional properties of ultrafine films (insulating transitions of metals, ferroelectric, ferromagnetic, oxide ion conductors, thermoelectric, transparent). conductor, resistive switching, etc.)
  • MOCVD growth of 2D layers of transition metal dicalcogenides
  • Structural characterization for advanced RHEED and XRD, and high temperature electronic transport properties. Segregation of surface composition and its effect on surface oxygen exchange kinetics and aging phenomena
  • Fundamental aspects of interfacial phenomena in layered and multilayer oxide materials for use as components in ionic and proton solid oxide (SOFC) fuel cells
  • Precise structural characterization of epitaxial thin films using advanced X-ray diffraction techniques (reciprocal spatial mapping in non-environmental conditions and external stimuli: gas change, voltage, lighting)


José Santiso |


Title: SURKINOX, Designing rules for enhancing SURface KINetics in functional OXides for clean energy technologies
Funding Organism: Funded by MINECO, 2016-05-01 / 2019-04-30
Status: Finished
Title: DAFNEOX, Designing Advanced Functionalities through controlled NanoElement integration in OXide thin films
Funding Organism: Funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, 2015-07-01 / 2019-06-30
Status: Finished
Title: PHABADA, Domain walls, interfaces and antiphase domains in antiferroelectrics
Funding Organism: Funded by MINECO, 2017-01-01 / 2020-08-31
Status: Finished
Title: BrainCom, High-density cortical implants for cognitive neuroscience and rehabilitation of speech using braincomputer interface, (H2020-FETPROACT-2016-2017)
Funding Organism: Funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, 2016-12-01 / 2021-11-30
Status: Executing


Effects of exsolution on the stability and morphology of Ni nanoparticles on BZY thin films
Jennings D., Ricote S., Santiso J., Caicedo J., Reimanis I.
Acta Materialia; 228 (117752) 2022
Role of pO2 and film microstructure on the memristive properties of La2NiO4+δ/LaNiO3−δ bilayers
Maas K., Wulles C., Caicedo Roque J.M., Ballesteros B., Lafarge V., Santiso J., Burriel M.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A; 10 (12): 6523 - 6530. 2022.
Tailored nano-columnar La2NiO4cathodes for improved electrode performance
Stangl A., Riaz A., Rapenne L., Caicedo J.M., De Dios Sirvent J., Baiutti F., Jiménez C., Tarancón A., Mermoux M., Burriel M.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A; 10 (5): 2528 - 2540. 2022.


ICN2 - Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia

Edifici ICN2
UAB Campus Bellaterra

08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès (Bellaterra)


  • Sistema d'energia i recursos
  • Education and knowledge generation system
  • Industrial system


    • Industry 4.0
    • Materials Laboratory


Availability Level: Medium
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